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These are some of the most popular broad areas of law and some sub-catogories of what the lawyers, soliciotors or attorneys (depending on the country) may specialise in and offer their services:



In different countries and states barristers play different roles in the legal system. In some places you do not need to find a barrister but a solicitor or an attorney (both of them ususally referred to as a lawyer), and they will direct you to a barrister they work with. However in other countries, you may approach a barrister directly. Try to be as specific in your search, using local search for lawyers.

Bail applications

A number of lawyers will be able to assist with bail applications. Some lawyers will list bail application as an area they can help you with, but not all lawyers list this service among their areas of service. Often finding lawyers in an area of law relevant to your situation (eg. family law, traffic law, accidents, criminal law) will direct you to lawyers who might be able to help with bail applications in your specific case.

Class actions

Some law firms specialise in class action in one area or another. They will often mention this on their website. Class actions will usually be taken in a very specific situation and where there could potentially be many victtims of the same or related issue. Class action often allows to lower legal costs for each individual victim.

Conveyancing and real estate

Conveyancers and lawyers that offer residential conveyancing services will be able to assist you with your conveyancing aspects of purchasing residential real estate and commercial property. Also, look for property and real estate lawyers when you buy a house or land or sell house or land, you may seek their assistance with the conveyancing work.

Conveyancers can perfom a number of searches related to property purchase. Some lawyers who offer conveyancing services also offer help with home loans, refinancing and mortgage-related issues. Some conveyancing lawyers may also help you with council and local planning enquiries, division and sub-division inquiries and questions.

If you are selling a property, be it a house, a unit or an appaartment, a townhouse or a villa or if it is a block of land or acreage or rural land and property, a conveyancer can assist you with the legal proceedings of the sale including the drafting of the contract document, and the exchange of documents between involved parties.

To learn about the scope of conveyanccing work and legal advice related to a property purchase or sale, you need to discuss the details of your situation with a specific law firm on conveyancing firm.

Court appearances

Not all lawyers can assist you with court appearances. But your lawyers will be able to assess if your case is likely to require any court appearance. Also, where your direct lawyesr are not able to help you with court apperances, they, in most cases, will be able to find another lawyer or law firm which will be working with them and providing court appearances if needed.

Criminal lawyers

Criminal lawyers offer services and advice related to criminal law. A criminal lawyer can also usually assist you with police matters, criminal compensation (compensation for victims of crime), assault and criminal compensation, and various crime acts relevant to the locality of crime, criminal code.

Defence lawyers

A defence lawyer could assist you with police interviews, bail applications, criminal law matters, criminal compensation. Also you may look for defense lawyers when you need advice and assistance with some traffic or motor accidents, drink driving (dui) or other seroius criminal offences.

De-facto relationships lawyers

Lawyers specialising in defacto law may assist you with separation, division of property and assets in de-facto realtionship and financial restructuring after the break down of the relationship. Defacto lawyers will help you with the arrangements for the care of your children, custody agreements, contact and residence agreements. Also contact a defacto lawyer when you are seeking advice regarding post-separation financial arrangements for you or your de-facto partner. Lawyers may be able to help you with personal protection and issues relating to domestic violence, AVOs and other arrangements related to the breakdown of a de-facto relationship.

Dispute resolution and negotiation lawyers

Not all disputes go to court. In fact, large numbers of disputes get resolved through negotiation. Often, this is an easier and less stressful way of reaching an agreement.

Many people seek services of a good dispute resolution lawyer skilled at negotiation in case of family disputes and issues relating to divorce, children, inheritance or de-facto relationships.

Also negotiation and dispute resolution path is often offered in the case of compensation claims. Your lawyers should be ale to advise you whether this is the most appropriate approach for compensation claims in your case.

Dispute resolution is usually worth considering in most cases where there's some disagreement or difference of opinion that may result in legal proceedings.

Divorce lawyers

A divorce lawyer, often referred to as a family lawyer, may assist you with disputes and issues relating to separation and divorce. Divorce lawyers will help negotiate and reach agreements regarding child residency and child maintenance, spuse maintenance payments, custody and visiting rights for parents, contact times with children. Divorce lawyers will also assisit in negotiations about property settlement, financial settlement and asset division. You may also ask divorce lawyers to help you with safety and personal security issues for you and your children after separation and divorce: restraining orders AVO, protection against violence and abuse and cohabitation agreements.

Employment and work place relations lawyers (for employees)

Lawyers and legal practices that offer services related to work and employemnt may specialise in some of these areas:
Workplace accidents job accidents involving or related to breaks, fractures and body damage resulting from work including heavy or light machinery, ladders, cranes, lifts and forklifts, scaffolding, back injury, head injury, brain injury, amputations, paralysis, work-related paraplegic or quadriplegic condition, eye injuries, loss of vision, hearing loss, vision problems, hearing problems, neck injury, broken leg, broken arm, broken wrist, sprained ankle, sprained leg, fractures, broken bones, work-related car accident and road accident involving a car, bus, train, taxi, motorbike or bike including a cyclist or a pedestrian.
Training and Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) issues - inadequate training, workplace health and safety issues, lifting heavy objects, building site safety, construction safety.
Workplace illnesses and work accident lawyers - industrial diseases, carpal tunnel syndrome CTS lawyers, repetitive strain injury RSI lawyers, factory accidents, work place accidents, workplace illnesses. Workplaace lawyers may advise you on work-related skin disease, skin condition, tinnitus, skin cancer, burns, toxic exposure or poison exposure. Also for work-related stress and trauma these lawyers will be able to offer advise. Seek these lawyers for work-related emotional and psychological disorders, work-induced psychiatric illnesses legal advice, heart attack and stroke caused by work.
Harrasment and abuse at work lawyers - Such a lawyer may help you handle harassment by employer, harrasment by another employee, abuse by employer, abuse by another employee. You may also seek legal advice regarding violence at work, sexual harassment, harassment by manager, abuse of manager's power or unreasonable requests.
Discrimination at work lawyers - you may consult a lawyer for issues regarding gender discrimination, discriminating women at work, female discrimination, racial discrimination, indigenous discrimination, status discrimination.
Employment and industrial law lawyers - employer duties and obligations. The area of ending job also belongs to the employment law and lawyers may assist you with: termination of contract, termination of employment, redundancy lawyer, retrenchment lawyers, reasonable notice. Other job-related issues may include salary package disputes, salary agreement, superannuation disputes, super payments. Also you may seek a lawyer for issues relating to valid, not valid and broken employment contract, job contract, part-time job contract, casual work contract and agreement, unfair contract, not fair contract, breach of contract, problems with IT contracts, information technology ans computer services contracts, clauses of restraint of trade, inependent contractors, executive contract and executive job.

Family lawyers and personal lawyers

A family lawyer will usually be able to advise you on a broad range of family matters, issues and disputes: separation and divorce issues, parenting, child custody and child maintenance issues, property settlement, de-facto property settlement. Family lawyers may help you with divorce applications, restraining and protection orders AVOs. Family solicitors or attorneys will also usually be able to assist with estate planning, wills and estates, will preparation, estate disputes and negotiation, administration of deceased estate. A family lawyer may also be helpful in assigning different types of power of attorney, as well as issues relating to the elderly law.

Family trusts lawyers

Family trust are one of a few types of trusts. Each country (and sometimes even each state) has different types of trusts that can be created. A lawyer who provides services related to trusts in general will often be able to assist with family trusts advice, set up and administration. Sometimes also falmily lawyers offer services relating to the creation and management of family trusts.

Immigration lawyers

An immigration lawyer or solicitor can usually advise about the immigration laws of a particular country, in particular, laws and options thay may be relevant in your individual situation or the situation of your family.

Insurance lawyers - for individuals

If you need advice or assistance with matters relatetd to insurance, an insurance lawyer with experience in assisting with insurance disputes may be able to assist you. Also, often injury lawyers and negligence and claims lawyers will have experience in insurance matters.

Litigation lawyers

We usually try to reach amicable agreements. In situations where there's no agreement, people try negotiation and dispute resolution. They engage negotiation and dispute resolution specialists to be able to reach some sort of compromise.

Unfortunately, this is not always possible. There are situations where litigation is the only option of seeking justice. At such times litigation lawyers will usually be able to assist you. Try to find litigation lawyers with proven successful experience in litigation in the same area of law and dispute that your matter is related to.

Local goverment planning, development and environment lawyers

Lawyers that offers services related to local plaanning, council, development and environment issues may be able to help you with property development issues related to the local goverment and councli laws. These lawyers may also be able to assist with land development and subdivision matters, strata title developments and planning appeals.

Planning and development lawyers may also be able to assist you with planning and development applications specific to the requirements of your local council and local environmental requirements and laws.

Mesothelioma asbestos lawyers

Asbestosis or mesothelioma is a medical condition caused by exposure to asbestos. Some countries and states have laws defining and restricting what can and cannot be said about mesothelioma, asbestos cancer or asbestos-related pleural diseases. Other locations allow unrestricted information about asbestos and asbestosis. Some lawyers and law firms have experience in class action related to mesothelioma asbestosis and asbestos-related illness and injury.

Notary public

Not all law firms offer the services of a notary public. To find a notary public in your area, please look for that specific service offered by lawyer firms and solicitors.

Personal injury claims and compensation lawyers - general

If you are considering a claim related to some kind of personal injury, you may be interested in searching for lawyers that specialise in personal injury claims.

You will probably be able to find some choices in your local area. More importantly, you may look for lawyers who have successful proven record in claims related to personal injuries.

Below are some more specific areas of personal injury claims and issues - please have a look and see if you can narrow your search. However this is a listing of frequent, but not all types of injury claims. For other types of individual injury lawyer services, try looking for lawyers who offer services in a a broad range of personal injury claims.

Personal injury claims and compensation lawyers - doctor, hospital and medical negligence

Medical negligence may include negligence by a doctor, specialist, nurse or another person related to the field of medicine. Some of these would be related to misdiagnosis, consent for a medical procedure, negligence by an obstetrician, gynaecological specialist negligence, paediatrician negligence, cosmetic surgery negligence, emergency and accident negligence, ambulance negligence, surgery and post-operative care negligence, drug and administration negligence or even Coroner's Court-related issues.

Personal injury claims and compensation lawyers - motor and traffic accidents

If you have sustained injury as a result of some motor vehicle accident, you may be interested in looking for lawyers who specialise in motor and traffic accident injuries law and claims.

These lawyers may have some experience in road and traffic accidents, motor, car bike motorbike accidents and related claims, plane, helicopter and other aviation accidents, boat and water transport accidents.

Personal injury and compensation lawyers (public and product liability)

Lawyers specialising in injuries related to public liability or product liability may be able to offer services related to a wide range of events: slips and falls, injuries on public transport, injury as a result of fall on public property, injury in supermarkets and shopping centres, injuries in public outlets.

It may also include injury at school and in a schoolyard, school playground or preschool kindergarten kindy injury, school playground injuries, park and playground injuries. Also these injuries may be a qualified as public liability: injury sustained in a recreational area, injured by a dog attack, attacked by dogs, accident and injury on a bus or train or plane or a boat injury.

Personal injury and compensation lawyers - work-related, workcover, workers compensation

You may seek advice from lawyers specialising in work-related injuries if you have sustained some injury at work or performing activities related to your work. Each country and state may have a different definition of the scope of activities related to work (for example in some countries travelling to work is qualified as a work-related activity, and in others it is not.

These lawyesr may be able to advise on Workers Compensation, Workcover, workplace injuries and accident at work.

Privacy lawyers

In the times of information overflow and information availability from a variety of sources, a privacy lawyer may be able to advise you on the boundaries of what is private and what is public information.

Privacy policy lawyer firms may be able to advise you whether your privacy laws have been trespassed and whether and how you should seek action to mend the damages (if any) to your privacy or the privacy of people related to you.

Property lawyers

There are two distinctly different types of property services lawyers may offer: legal advice on intellectual property and a whole range of services related to real estate property. For intellectual property, please see the relevant section in Business Services below.

A property lawyer may advise and assist you with, among others, the following areas: conveyancing, sale or purchase of a property, property disputes, property assessments, attending to mortgage paperwork, tenancy issues and disputes, rental disputes, property subdivision, development and related local government issues and development disputes and appeal against government, planning and environmental bodies.

Restraining orders and AVO lawyers

Usually family lawyers are able to assist with any matters related to a restraining order and the legal aspects of family issues related to the circumstances.

Superannuation and elder lawyers

As we age as a society and the older models of family-centric lifestyle have weakened, we rely more and more on engaging third-party bodies for providing for and taking care of us in our senior years.

A lawyer that offers services related to super, retirement and elderly law should be able to assist with any legal matters in these areas. Elderly law lawyers may be able to offer expert advice on issues arising from retirement and nursing home environment. Also, there are specific laws protecting the more vulnerable and frail people in our society - these lawyers sould advise if any such laws would be applicable in your situation.

Tax lawyers

Tax lawyers offer legal advice specific to the area of tax for individuals or businesses.

Traffic offences lawyers

A lawyer for traffic offences and motor vehicle offences and accidents should be able to assist you with any matters related to traffic disputes and legal issus.

Trust lawyers

A trust lawyer may advise you on a variety of legal aspects related to the benefits, setup and ongoing management of a trust.

Countries have different trust types and very specific legislation relevant to each kind of trust. You need to search for a local lawyer to assist you with trust matters.

Wills, probate, succession and estate planning lawyers

A lawyer who specialises in wills, probate, estate planning and succession may be able to assist you with legal matters related to the following: estate planning, will preparation and creation, power of attorney, administration of deceased estate, estate disputes and family provision applications, elderly, retirement and nursing homes law.

OTHER AREAS for individuals

The above list is by no means complete in listing areas of law for individuals. There are numerous categories of law and legal specialisation areas that may be relevant to your needs. A lot of law firms, apart from acting in broad categories of law, also specialise in some niche areas. If you think your needs relate to a very specific category of experience, it may be worth considering searching for a lawyer with solid previous experience in that area.


Administration lawyers

An administration lawyer firm may be able to advise you on various legal aspects and requirements of administration of your business enterprise.

Banking and finance lawyers

A banking or finance lawyer should be able to assistr with legal matters relating to banking or broader finance issues of running a business.

Bankruptcy and insolvency lawyers

A law firm that offers bankruptcy and innsolvency legal services may be able to assist your business and company with legal issues arising from becoming insolvent and bankrupt.

Building and construction lawyers

Law firms specialising in development, building and construction law may be able to advise businesses in matters and disputes related to the areas of building, development and construction projects.

Business lawyers

Business lawyers may offer advise regarding asset protection and business structuring, commercial and business law.

Commercial lawyers

You may seek conultation from commercial lawyers when you need advice for commercial law

Commercial litigation lawyers

If there's a dispute in business and commercial circumstances, you may consider the assistance of commercial negotiation and dispute resolution lawyers. In some circumstances you may need to revert to the services of commercial litigation lawyers.

Competition and trade practices lawyers

The area of competition, marketing, promotion and trade practices has different levels of law reference and framing in different countries. Also, a vast range of international laws may apply in these areas. A lawyer firm that offers services in the area of competition and trade practices may be able to advice and assist you in these matters.

Contract preparation lawyers

Commercial contracts are usually very complicated. The other party to the contract will put a lot of effort to ensure that their best interests are well protected.

To ensure that your business interests are well protected too, you may need to engage commercial lawyers to assist you with the preparation and legal negotiations of a commercial contract on your behalf.

Copyright and intellectual property lawyers

Copyright and intellectual property lawyer may bea ble to advise you on matters relating to the protection of your company's copyright and intelelctual property, advise and assist with patent and tredemark registrations in your country or internationally. An intellectual property lawyer may help you with drafting relevant business documentation protecting your rights.

Corporate lawyers

Large companies may seek assistance from a corporate lawyer or a firm offering corporate legal services. Corporate lawyers may be able to assist with a large number of areas of legislation relevant to your corporation. Often, corporate lawyers will have some more specialisations within corporate law.

Debt recovery lawyers

Law firms that specialise in debt recovery may offer services in the area of credit, recovering debts, money you owe someone and how to manage such situations, and other debt-related issues. Often, debt recovery lawyers would be able to advise on debt risks of your customers and business partners. This way you could lower the risk of your business even before you enter any agreements.

Dispute resolution

A business dispute resolution lawyer or other specialist may offer valuable services in you reaching agreement with another party. This may turn out to be a better solution compared to entering lengthy and costly litigation. Where there's a will, there's a way...

Employment lawyers (for employers)

Employers may seek advice of an employment and workplace relations lawyer to protect their business against issues with employees. An employment lawyer may be able to advise you on your situation and best steps to be taken in an employer-employee dispute situation.

Farming and agriculture lawyers

A farming and agriculture lawyer firm may be able to assist you with legal advice on farming, horticulture, agriculture and related matters. This is one of the legal specialisation areas but in the countries and states where farming plays significant role, a number of lawyers have over the years gained specialist knowledge and experience in this subject matter.

Franchise lawyers

If your business is a franchise, you may find advice from a franchise lawyer to be more in-depth and supported by more specialist knowledge and experience related to the laws of franchising in your country, state and also internationally, if international franchising is part of your business.

Health lawyers

A health lawyer in business or corporate space may be able to assist businesses and sometimes also goverment bodies with their matters related to the broad area of health.

Human Rights lawyers

Situations and issues that relate to the violation of human rights, both in your local area, your country or other countries, may find useful advice from a human rights lawyer. Human Rights are covered by a wide range of international laws, treaties, agreements and pacts. Human rights lawyers should be able to advise you what may or may not be applicable to you. Lawyer Choice takes pride in promoting the services of human rights lawyers.

Indigenous lawyers

For advice on matters related to indigenous laws including aboriginal and other native laws, you may seek legal help from lawyers who have experience and provide services in the area of indigenuous law.

Industrial relations lawyers

Your company may need advice from an industrial relations lawyer. You can either search for lawyers with this area of law as their service or you can contact lawyers with portfolio in business and corporate law and enquire if they will be able to offer their advice in the area of industrial law.

Insurance lawyers - for businesses

If your business or corporation needs advice in any insurance matters, an insurance lawyer firm that has experience in assisting businesses should be able to offer advice on varoius legal aspects of insurance for business entities.

International law lawyers

To receive advice on any issues related to international law, an international law lawyer should be able to help and assist you with your interntional law matters.

Information Technology and digital media lawyers

In the digital age, there are large numbers of issues arising from the use of technology and new media. A digital media lawyer or a computer lawyer (IT lawyer) should be able to assist you with legal matters related to the digital aspects of your business.

Local goverment planning, development and environment lawyers

For any matters concerning your business and the local government, council or local environmental authorities you may find beneficial to seek expert advice from a lawyer that has experience and specialises in legal aspects of local government or environment authorities.

Mining, energy and resources lawyers

In some countries and states mining and resources industry plays significant role and it affects a large number of businesses and individuals both in that area and outiside, but also internationally. As a result, specialist advice from a mining and resources lawyer may be needed to better address legal matters specific to this industry.

Marine lawyers

For any business law advice on marine issues you may look for a lawyer specialising in marine law and who has proven experience in marine law matters.

Patents lawyers

If your business needs specialist advice in the area of patents, you should seek a patent lawyer or a patent law firm with proven track record in the area of patent law, preferably both in your country and internationally.

Privacy lawyers

More and more laws are being created in relation to privacy rules, both for individuals and for businesses. Some of these laws apply only within a given country but others will have international application and implications, especially in the era of globalisation and the Internet.

To obtain advice on matters related to privacy laws, a business should seek advice from privacy lawyers who specialise in privacy laws and have experience in legal matters related to privacy.

Superannuation lawyers

A supperanuation lawyer or super law firm may be able to offer you specialist legal advice on matters related to the laws of superannuation specific to your country and your business entity.

Taxation lawyers

If your business or company needs legal advice and assistance in relation to taxation laws, you may need to seek services from a taxation lawyer or taxation law firm. Business taxtation laws tend to be very complicated in most countries and therefore you may find assistance from lawwyers with solid experience in taxation law in the relevant area more beneficial.

OTHER AREAS for businesses

Above list only mentiones some more popular categories of business law across countries. There are many more areas that fall into the category of business and corporate law. If you think we should add some category here, please contact us. Otherwise, try to search for business lawyers in your area and contact them to enquire if they can offer legal help in your specific needs.

Legal Help: Other Options

Free or low-cost legal help for some

There are a number of ways in which legal firms operate. Depending on your country, there may be government-subsidized legal help available, free legal advice from public and non-government sources and not-for-profit organisations.

Disadvantaged groups may find legal services available at no or low cost. These services will often look after more vulnerable members of community such as women, young people, people who have been victims of sexual or other abuse, aboriginal and indigenuous peoople or just financially disadvantaged people. Please have a look at your specific area, starting from your country, then going to your state or province and search for such services there.

Lawyers that offer No Win No Fee legal services

A number of law firms offer a No Win No Fee (also called No Win No Pay) method of financing legal acttion. This method is available to a different extent in some countries and states, while other countries have adopted No-Win-No-Fee a white ago and it's a popular choice there. Please check the availability in your country and area.

Some countries and states regulate more or less strictly how No Win No Fee can be advertised and promoted,

Pro Bono Lawyers

Some lawyers and law firms offer services on "pro bono" basis to selected charities, public organisations and public causes. If you think you may qualify for probono legal help, you need to contact these lawyers directly to discuss if they would accept your case under their pro bono services.

Free or low-cost legal aid

Most countries, states and local government units have a number of advisory services aimed at helping financially disadvantaged people with their legal needs. Some of them will offer legal advice, others will only instruct how to get free laweyrs advice or find cheap lawyers and cheap legal services in that area or within that social or economic group.

Sometimes cheap lawyer advice may be available due to special arrangements between a charity or a not for profit organisation and a law firm, or there may be laws allowing people who have mo money or income to get free lawyer services or low cost legal advice which is subsidised from public funds for people in financial difficulties. If you are broke, have no money, no income or are in other financial trouble, you may have a look if there are any such services available to you.

There are often free legal services or free legal aid available to specific socio-economic groups, for example for women, for children and minors, for migrants, ethnic minorities or indigenous people.

Lawyers with free initial consultation

Many, but not all, lawyers and legal firms offer free initial consultation. You should always ask if the initial consultation is going to be free or if the lawyer will charge you for the first consultation (and how much). The aim of the free first consultation is usually to establish if your case has some strength and legal merit.

Legal aid for minority, at higher risk or disadvantaged grups

For legal help options available to miority, at higher risk or otherwise disadvantaged groups, please see Free or low-cost legal aid above.

Niche specialist legal service

Many law firms, apart from offering broad range of legal services such as relating to property, family law, criminal law, tax or business law, also specialise in some very unique niche areas. Often this specialisation comes from personal interests of involved lawyers, or it has been a long-term specialist area for that firm. This experience ususally translates into in-depth knowledge of the subject-matter, relevant legislation and cases. The niche areas of expertise cover very specific angles of law. If you think your problems pertain to a very specific area, you may consider searching our website for lawyers specialising in that area.

Law services locator and lawyer search

Please browse the lawyers directory navigating to the country in which you need to locate a loyer. Lawyers Choice is a legal directory that has lawyer search for both firm directory, law offices and individual lawyer and solicitor directory, barrister directory and attorney directory.

Many loyers are listed throughout our pages and the data is being updated regularly. Look for lawyesr in your area by either using the Browse or the Search navigation menu and quick links.

Contact your local lawyer firm

Find lawyer, solisitor or attorney in our lawyers telephone directory and attorny directory. Lawyeers from differnt areas continue updating and adding more information about their services and practice areas.

Legal advice and law services contacts

Lawyer Choice is an excellent source of contacts for law advice, law help and legal advice law resources. Lawyer Choice does not provide legal sevices and legal advise but provides contacts for lawyer firms and legal help list in your area.

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